Monday, March 7, 2011

We can engineer products to be more viral!

Making a product readily available for sharing virally can have HUGE benefits in conversions and click through rates! Learn how to make your products more readily available for sharing with this video from Sinal Aral from NYU's Stern School of Business!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Social Media Presence Becoming a Job Requirement?

The one of the most prominent online job boards has noticed a new trend in the world of job seeking. It seems more and more individuals in the marketing and sales industry will find themselves in need of a strong Social Media presence. Companies are now realizing the value of Social Media and want to see that there employees have the expertise and knowledge to use these outlets. As reported by Small Business Trends 52% of business realize the benefits of a Social Media presence . So what can you do now? Well start developing your Social Media presence today and follow these 10 Easy Steps.